Coding – what is it, and where do I start?


In this first blog post, I wish to address a few important fundamentals when it comes to programming before we dive into the substance.

Coding, or programming as its otherwise known, is the idea of writing a set of instructions for a computer to follow – this may be to fulfill a specific task. However, this is where an issue occurs: computers don’t speak English, so how do we do this? Since computers operate in binary, 1s and 0s, any instructions that are given by the programmer must be converted into it, particularly since we humans are unable to understand binary effectively in the context of a fully-fledged program.

Programming languages are designed to be comprehensible to humans, while also translatable to binary. This translation is done automatically, so our brains don’t have to worry about it.

The important thing to remember is that there are different levels of languages: high level and low level. Higher level languages are closer to what we understand, while lower level languages are more easily understandable for computers – binary is one of the latter. Further up from binary, we have assembly languages, which operate through keywords to store and allocate data. On the highest level, we have the languages that are used commonly: C++, Java and such. These are what programmers use to develop applications of various kinds, high-level languages.

There are a vast array of languages, with different intricacies. However, don’t run away yet. It is an exciting world full of possibilities hidden below the surface.

Now, where to start? I would say, learning the fundamentals of programming. While the idea of developing an amazingly advanced game or a complex piece of software may be appealing, one must first gain an understanding of the foundations.

However, what can you do with programming? Below is a list of the numerous possibilities and languages:

  • Game Development – C++, C#, Java
  • Web Development – CSS, HTML, JavaScript
  • Software Development – C++, C#, VB.NET


After selecting a language, you need a piece of software to facilitate your ability to write code. In other words, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This gives the programmer all of the tools they need to write code, including a lot of helpful ones. There are many IDEs available, varying depending on your Operating System, but some of the best ones include:

Since I use a Windows PC, I shall be using Visual Studio throughout the entirety of these blog posts. The next post will talk in depth about how to setup Visual Studio, and configure it to your liking. Until next time!